Diversity visa Lottery winners for DV2021 dealt a blow by COVID-19 and President Trump
COVID-19 has forced most US Embassies’ and US Consulates to suspend interviews and thus, processing of the DV2021 winners has come to a complete halt. Of the same reason, most of the 50,000 winners will not be able to meet the deadline for processing. To add to this problem, President Donald Trump has issued a ban on issuing Green Cards for the rest of the year, to protect American jobs in the job crisis that the United States is facing due to COVID-19.
This basically means, if a DV2021 winner did not get processed and did not get their green card issued before President Donald Trump’s order, they will miss the deadline for being processed and will not be able to receive the green card they applied for, after they were selected in the DV2021 lottery.
So what does this mean to the 42,000 applicants that did not get their applications processed and did not receive their green card before President Donald Trump’s green card issue ban?
Unfortunately, there is no solution to the problem and these unfortunate DV2021 winners will not be able to complete their process and thus, will not receive a green card. Their only hope is to participate in this year’s green card lottery, the DV2022, for another chance of winning a green card in the Diversity Visa Lottery.
Enter this years Green Card Lottery today. 50,000 American Green Cards Must Go Each Year. This is your chance to reach your dream of becoming an American resident today! |