Beximco Textiles Division in job circular
Recently Beximco Textiles Division published a Job Circular. Bangladesh Citizen can be applied to this Job Circular. So if you built your career Beximco Textiles Divisioncan apply for this job. We will be given this Jobs all updated information here. Recently Dhaka, Chittagong, Mymensingh, Rangpur, Sylhet,Rajshahi, Khulna and Barishal Devision All Department Job Circular publish.
You know published all jobs circular. As a result, Beximco Textiles Division Circular published now. Those Who wants to join this requirement can be applied by this circular. We also will be published all information of this job. We also will be published Beximco Textiles Division Job and more Got and non-govt job circular in Bangladesh.
Published on: 11 Sep, 2019
Application Deadline: 18 Sep, 2019
Vacancy: N/A
[box type=”success” align=”” class=”” width=””]Merchandiser[/box]
- Looking for prospective high profile customers and bring in new business that ensures solid profitability
- Handle marketing performances of particular buyers (knits & woven) starting from assessing a new order’s feasibility of to shipment of goods
- Planning & arranging the Trims & Accessories well in advance with the help of procurement department
- Provide necessary supports for the successful completion of orders
- Making consumption of fabric, threads, accessories and carry out costing
- Liaison with the buyers & garments factories regarding any issues till the shipment
- Plan and get the samples done and delivered to the customers
- Oversee costing and production budgeting activities
- Managing fabric and accessories procurement as well as all aspects of export and import paperwork

Educational Qualification:Bachelor or Diploma or Higher Secondary or A Level or equivalent or Secondary School Certificate or O level or equivalent (Educational Qualification may be relaxed in case of candidate with extraordinary ability and experience)
Job Nature: Full-time
Age: Age 25 to 40 years
Job Location: Gazipur
Salary Range: Negotiable
Other Benefits: As Company Policy
Jobs Source: online
Apply Instruction
Send Your CV To
Special Instruction: Please send you CV to the e mail address provided.
Company Information
Beximco Textiles Division
Address : Head Office: Beximco Industrial Park, Sarabo, Kashimpur, Gazipur
Web :


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