SSC Exam Result 2020
SSC Result 2020
SSC Exam Result has been published. Get ssc exam easily from our website. SSC result 2020. SSC, Dakhil, SSC Vocational and equivalent of SSC examination is a very important part of every student. All of the examine of secondary school certificates were worry about SSC exam results.We will update the result as soon as possible after published by the education of the government.
SSC Result 2020 published, according to examination held date. There are Total 1652134 candidates were attended the SSC Exam 2020. Regular candidates were 1234328 this year under the All Education Board and this is the highest total this year.
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[highlight color=”red”] SSC Result 2020[/highlight]
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[highlight color=”red”] SSC Result 2020[/highlight]
[highlight color=”blue”]SSC Result From Your Mobile[/highlight]
Get Your SSC Result From Your Mobile: When you have no internet connection then don’t fear. There’s a simple way to check the result using your featured phone or smartphone. It’s a very simple and easy step to getting the result.
Go to your telephone message alternative and type your SSC result 2020 format SMS and send it a particular number. After certain cases, you will recover a SMS with your test result.
SMS System:
SSC <SPACE> First three letters of your Board name <SPACE> Roll no<SPACE> 2020 and send to 16222
SMS Example:
SSC DHA 24212332 2020 send 16222

I have included the initial three letters of all instruction board Bangladesh. Simply follow cries table to get your ideal training board initial three-letter for getting SSC result 2020 from your cell phone both smart and feature phone.
How To Check SSC Result 2020 by SMS
To get the results by sending SMS from your cellphone, you need to send a simple message from a mobile operator to 16222. Go to the text message option, then type SSC <space> (DHA) the first three letters of the board <Space>Your roll number <space> Exam year 2020 and send to this number 16222.
Example SSC <space> DHA <space> Roll <space> YEAR to 16222 Number. (E.G SSC DHA 1224555 2020> 16222)
The example of Madrasa board is Dakhil<space> MAD <space> Roll <space> YEAR and Send to 16222 Number. (E.G Dakhil MAD 1224555 2020).
Board Name | Code | Exam Year | Recipient NO |
Chittagong | CHI | 2020 | 16222 |
Dhaka | DHA | 2020 | 16222 |
Rajshahi | RAJ | 2020 | 16222 |
Jessore | JES | 2020 | 16222 |
Comilla | COM | 2020 | 16222 |
Sylhet | SYL | 2020 | 16222 |
Barisal | BAR | 2020 | 16222 |
Dinajpur | DIN | 2020 | 16222 |
Technical | TEC | 2020 | 16222 |
Madrasah | MAD | 2020 | 16222 |
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